Monday, February 8, 2010

How Do I Make Him Fall in Love? Easy Ways to Get a Guy

Do you have a die-hard crush on someone who is not even aware you exist? Do you wonder how the dumbest girls have the hottest guys? Do you become tongue-tied when the guy you like comes over and asks you something? Do you wish for a little more confidence and a little less inhibition?
If you want to make him fall in love with you and have answered, "yes" to any of these questions, the following ideas may come in handy for you.

First of all, be elegant. Don't throw yourself at the person and try to withhold yourself from any kind of impulsiveness that you might be tempted to engage into. Do not appear clumsy in front of him; let him see that you are a woman of substance. In a fit of nervousness, it may be very easy to stumble or stutter, but remember that there is noting less attractive than a woman falling all over herself.

Don't forget that you have to get noticed. Try making friends with his friends and hang around with them until he notices you. Get to be his friend as fast as possible and don't act prissy or shy.
Once both of you are friends, try and figure out what you have in common; a sport or interest in theatre etc. Do things together and spend time alone without it being an official date.
Let the moments you guys spend together be a remembrance of sorts. Try and find out his romantic history. Is he currently interested in someone or is he just recently out of a relationship? Whatever be the case, make sure things are on the table before you start dreaming further.
Liking someone does not mean you have to be with the person 24/7. Have a life of your own and be with your own group too. The worst thing you can do is hold up your life because of him.
Many times, people tend to be so involved in a guy that they ignore their friends completely.
Then if anything goes wrong in your relationship, you have no one to share your problems with and end up being lonely.
Sometimes you can both hang out with a common set of friends, or introduce him to your friends to see whether he mixes in or not. Then do the same with his friends.
It is not very difficult to find a guy.
The difficult part is much later when you get to know him and begin to wonder, 'Do I really like him?' Initially when you see him, he might seem like the most perfect guy in the world, but later on when you actually get to know the person, you may not find him as attractive or charming.
That is why it is important not to haste towards a relationship. Let time decide the course of love.

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