Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Advantages of Dating Mature Singles by David Deloro

Dating mature singles is not the taboo it used to be, it is becoming more common to see couples together where there is a definite gap between the ages of both people. Does this mean that these couples are not having fun? Does it mean that there is some kind of ulterior motive as it concerns both people involved.

Dating mature singles is a good move for those of us still in the dating game and tired of going through all the motions of dating younger, it is much more refreshing to be with someone you can be yourself with. It also comes with other advantages that might make you change your view point. Take a look at some of the plus factors.

Mature singles tend to be much more fun
For starters, dating mature singles is much more fun then dating someone your own age because they tend to be a lot more fun. The people who you meet will not have all the hang-ups and the insecurities they might have had when they were younger.

This means they will be much more open to doing these on the fly, being a little spontaneous and not caring what other people will think of them if they don't do everything by the book. Younger folks are still very conscious about these types of things.
Past experience

Mature singles will usually have a lot of past experience, I don't mean sexual either, I mean other experience that will make your dealings with them much easier. They have often been through relationships already, so they know what will run you away and what will keep you happy.

They may be able to confront problems better then someone who is younger, because they have dealt with the problems in the past. Think about the rocky roads you will have with somebody, wouldn't it be better to go down the road with someone who has already been there?
They are more open sexually

A bigger plus is that mature singles are more open to experimentation in the bedroom. They are not so eager and selfish as they might have been in the past. Older people will usually consider the other persons pleasure over their own when they are being intimate and this is a definite plus.

You won't walk away feeling frustrated because the other person did not listen to your needs, or because they were so quick to get their own pleasure that they could care less about yours. The mature person will take their time and make it enjoyable for the both of you.
So as you can see, dating mature singles has it upsides, and believe me there are a lot of people who are willing to do it. .

Watch Your Relationships! - By: Florence Bernard

This should be read by kids and parents together.

Young children are known to be pretty horrid to each other. I have heard some of the meanest things in playgrounds! Teenagers go through a lot as far as relationships go. Everybody knows it and everybody goes through it or has gone through it, so it's no big deal.

We know, as adults, that we get over it eventually. Still, sometimes, it really hurts and teenage hormones may lead to unexpected reactions.

Children and teenagers don't always have the maturity to put things into perspective yet. Discovering new feelings is disturbing.

There is more and more social pressure in schools to be a certain way and part of the "in" crowd. But the "in" crowd is not the right one for every child. When facing a difficult social situation, when you try to adjust pretending to be someone else to fit in, or when you find yourself left out because you won't settle for certain rules, it creates a world of new emotions that have to be faced.

Coming from the children world where, granted, kids can indeed be mean to one another, but where things are also easily forgotten, the teenage world is a bit tougher because things affect kids in a different way.

To avoid pain, embarrassment and shame, many teenagers forget who they are and follow the herd. For them, it is better to have bad friends than no friends at all and they take the consequences. Even though in reality, there are always other friends but to them, it feels like there aren't any or they are not worth giving up the status they have acquired. As teenagers, you have to stay aware of who you are and understand your value. This is a very hard thing to do for some people.

The pressure of so-called friends may drag you down. You must stick with the friends who get the best out of you. I am talking about friendships AND more involved relationships. It is a very hard concept to grasp for kids and teenagers alike. I can't tell you how many 14-year-olds I have had to console when their best friend decided to "dump" them after some bitter fight over silliness. Of course, for them, it is not silly.

A first experience of back-stabbing is not pleasant. What teenagers often don't see is that they don't need people like that in their lives. And yet they fall out and love each other again over and over.

I always ask kids what those friends bring to their lives. Any relationship is an exchange. To put it very simply: What I do makes you happy and what you do makes me happy. I grow thanks to your influence and vice versa.

My life gets richer because you are in it and so does yours because I am in it. Teenagers have to be reminded constantly of this. Some are stronger than others or more mature and will be able to be burnt once and then understand and move on to greener pastures, but others take longer or, in worst cases, really fall into the trap. I am not saying that there are good kids and bad kids.

There are simply different people, with different values, different backgrounds, different histories, cultures, ideas, opinions, etc. who do not necessarily function well with just everybody.

In the formative teenage years, you haven't always completely defined yourself and influences can take you far from who you really are. Boys and girls take the same risks. Girls will cry and scream more and boys will punch and kick more but the result is the same.

Kids have to learn as soon as possible to surround themselves with people who add to their lives and only produce positive emotions. They also have to learn that they have to do the same if they want good relationships. Little upsets are always likely to happen in a relationship but that's normal and doesn't have a long lasting result. But if you see your kids mad, hurt, disappointed on a regular basis, look into it, don't just let it be thinking it's only teenage stuff. Self-esteem at that age is too important.

The key to remember is: What you give is what you get. Never lower yourself to someone else's level. Be your true, honest, friendly, generous, genuine and happy self and you will only attract like-minded people.

Successful Relationships ... What Does It Take ? - By: John Foley

Successful relationships are one of the biggest challenges many of us face. They are are based on trust and caring.
Successful relationships are honest and absolutely truthful about what each is feeling in life. They are built on trust, honesty, communication, and faith. Successful relationships are also forged out of hard work; a partner’s commitment to the other.

Successful relationships are always adding something useful to the union,including: money knowledge, household skills, setting goals, family and children hours, nurturing new and old friendships, building a beautiful home environment together, spending meals together, adding hobbies or other entertainment to leisure hours, increasing fun, intimacy, and physical love.

Successful relationships are the basis of a different kind of success, and living up to that means letting go of an old way of life and making way for the new. Sometimes it is all about putting yourself in your partner’s shoes and understanding their point of view. Unfortunately successful relationships aren't easy, and it takes a lot of different skills to make them work well.

Communication One of the most important skills to learn and practice in relationships is the art of successful communication. To develop and maintain successful relationships, we need good communication and inter-personal skills as well as a good knowledge of ourselves and others, of how we function in situations such as conflict and stress.

Communication is so critical and so key in romantic relationships that it not only involves expressing oneself well, but the ability to listen and problem solve, too. Communication can come in many forms, it does not always have to be a verbal exchange. Remember communication is one of the main keys to your relationship success.

Emotions How do emotions affect communication in relationships? Lets take a closer look. Understanding and owning your emotions and their correlating physical feelings benefits you by: Allowing you to navigate satisfying, meaningful relationships, helping you understand other people, enabling you to understand yourself, empowering your communication process making you “heart smart” – emotionally intelligent. The emotions you feel and convey through nonverbal communication are the foundation of your emotional intelligence. How does communication in infancy influence adult relationships?

As a baby, you were completely dependent on nonverbal emotional communication to satisfy your needs. However, this new means of communication does not render nonverbal communication skills obsolete.

On the contrary, the foundation for communication in all relationships remains emotionally- based and nonverbal. Emotional, nonverbal communication continues to play a major role in all your relationships, throughout your life. Even the best verbal communication skills are not enough to create and sustain successful relationships. Wordless communication conveyed through facial expressions, body language, pace, intensity and tone of voice captures and holds the attention of others and gives you a powerful means for self expression.

Without the ability to communicate emotion, it’s impossible to build or maintain robust, healthy relationships, because the communication of emotions establishes the lifeline that sustains all relationships. When you practice effective, satisfying communication you are rewarded with relationships filled with more love, intimacy, understanding and trust. Life is easy, loving, and real when this level of communication is at work in your relationship. So successful relationships are critical to having a happy, fulfilled life.

They are founded on good communication, honesty, compatible personality traits combined with mutual trust and understanding. Practicing these traits become the cornerstones for a happy and satisfying relationship.

Article Written By J. Foley

HOME :: Relationships / Dating-for-Boomers Tips to Find New Love When Over 50 Dating

Dating is usually associated with youngsters, and if someone at an older age feels like dating again, it becomes difficult to digest for others. In fact over 50 dating can be both a stressful and exciting experience for both of the partners.

This happens mostly when the person is either still single at an older age, or single at present due to divorce or death of a spouse.

Often, people over 50 find themselves getting nervous and feeling less self-confident when they are dating. Realistically, though, these people have fewer risks, are typically much more mature, and can handle almost any situation more wisely than when they were younger. They understand their own feelings, know their likes and dislikes, and feel less confusion about making decisions.

However, a few guidelines do still apply. Fortunately, though, the majority of older individuals tend to be successful and make sensible decisions. This is a result of their variety of life experiences, which also help to make them more understanding of people and situations. In addition, they are very straightforward and quite clear with their words and their perceptions.

The only thing most are uncertain about is where to begin with regard to the dating process.
If you are interested in over 50 dating, be realistic and make a list of qualities that you would like in your partner. This will help you save time and energy and will make you focus on your search in a very defined manner. You can take advantage of the help of family, friends, and colleagues and of course don't forget the Internet. Everything is possible on the Internet but you also have to be a bit careful there.

You could sign up to different social groups and online dating sites, but be very clear and precise when making up your profile. With online dating sites, you can browse hundreds and thousands of singles forums and groups and look for the one you are interested in. Take some time for a relationship to start and get going so you will fully understand the person on the opposite side. This is important because until you meet that person, you know them only by the way they chat with you.

Last of all, consider going to special dating events or clubs that offer special singles nights for over 50 dating. Be sure, however, to stay open and friendly, and be honest with everyone you meet. If you think you've met someone who really interests you, schedule a lunch date or meet later for coffee.

If you take these tips into account, hopefully you will soon have success in your over 50 dating venture and meet your soul mate very soon.

Love without money is a barrier

Do you that love without money will definately not work
this is not a cause but a fact.
If you want know how real this is . let me give you a case study
"do you that there was a man who has everything interms of money but has been looking for love. i guess you will ask me why?
the simple answer was because he was very very short that all the ladies she approved co,plain about that.
let me surprise again...
do you know that afriend of mine, very handsome and huge love a lady with all his life but unfornately for him, he was very very poor. i will say that he is living in penury.
but the answer to this story is found here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to Talk to Women - Conversation Secrets With Women by chris Tyler

One of the keys to being able to attract women and then keep her attention and attraction for you, is knowing how to talk to women. Now, most men have a hard time doing this. When you talk to a woman, you don't want to shoot the breeze or go on with a topic that is boring and bland. If your conversation comes across as boring and bland, then this is probably how she is going to see YOU.

What are some conversation secrets with women that will help YOU talk to women in a way that sparks and keeps her attraction?

1. Don't talk about your job. Unless you race cars or perform movie stunts, talking about your job is an easy way to bore her to tears. You want the conversation to be light and fun, especially when you first meet a woman. You may think that you have an interesting job, but most jobs are really rather boring to talk about.

2. Involve her in the conversation. One of the worst things that you can do is to make a conversation one sided. Building attraction with a woman is NOT about dominating her and the situation. It's about leading her. So, you want to lead the conversation, while at the same time giving her time to talk.

3. Use body language. While you want to keep the conversation flowing, sometimes it's those quiet moments that will build intense attraction. In these moments, you want to use simple body language, like a smile, or using your eyes to "speak" to her. Done right, this will give her butterflies in her stomach and make her feel like a school girl.

How to Attract a Woman - 3 Tips to Pursue a Woman by chris Tyler

A lot of men make mistakes when they try to pursue a woman. In order to attract a woman, you have to be able to understand fully what it is that causes female attraction in the first place. For the most part, guys are clueless on this subject. And the ones that DO know what to do, well, they are the ones that are having a good time with beautiful women. This could be YOU. First, you have to know what to do to avoid when you pursue a woman.

Here are a few tips of what to do and what not to do to attract a woman.

1. Never be the guy that falls in love on the spot. What I mean by this is, men will sometimes see a woman and think that she is the most beautiful woman they have seen. And they instantly fall in love. What usually happens is that they will then act like a guy that's in love, even before they have a real conversation with her. They will want to do everything for her right off the bat. This will just make you seem submissive, desperate, or needy.

2. Whatever you do, wherever you go, LEAD her. A true alpha male exhibits leadership qualities.
And this is what drives women wild. So, you want to lead her no matter what you are doing. Now, let me make a clear distinction here. Leading a woman is NOT the same as dominating a woman. Dominating a woman is for insecure guys that have no real alpha male qualities in the first place.

3. Have fun. This is probably the most important aspect of dating and pursuing a woman. The whole thing should be a fun experience for you and for her. If it's not, chances are you are not doing a good job at building attraction. Done right, you will get in situations where you and her
lose all track of time and just let loose.

Knowing how to pursue a woman and knowing how to attract a woman is much easier with these three tips.